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The dehumidification system for your greenhouse!

The use of closed curtains continues to increase in the pursuit of greater energy savings. Optimizing the climate under these curtains requires a different approach. How do you get a good greenhouse climate under the closed curtains? Nivola has the solution, it is a matter of air displacement!


  • Dehumidification
  • Energy-efficient and efficiently-run EC motor
  • Fewer curtain gaps and more closed curtains
  • Less use of minimum tube
  • Maintenance free

Benefits in combination with the Nivolator>®:

  • Homogeneous air humidity, temperature and CO2 distribution throughout the greenhouse
  • No drafts or dead air
  • Ingenious air pattern



Animatie van de Nivolution: 

Technical specifications Nivolution

Air blowing capacity: 4900 m3 per hour
Connection voltage: 230 V of 110 V
Motor power: 260 Watt/230 volt
Application: 1 per ± 450 m2

Thermal protection built-in, Efficient 0-10V control built-in.

Dehumidification capacity

Below, using the standard design distance, the dehumidification capacity of the Nivolution is determined per season for two types of crop. Based on the season, the AH difference between the greenhouse climate (inside) and the climate above the screens (outside) is determined.


AH difference  g/m3 Capacity  g/m2/h Capacity  Litersper ha/h
Spring 5 54,44 545 L
Summer 2 21,78 218 L
Autumn 3,5 38,11 382 L
Winter 5,5 59,89 600 L


AH difference  g/m3 Capacity  g/m2/h Capacity  Litersper ha/h
Spring 8,5 92,56 927 L
Summer 5 54,44 545 L
Autumn 4 43,56 436 L

*No cultivation in the winter months. Animation of the Nivolution:


Flyer Nivolution


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