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Sulphur evaporator


Sulphur evaporator

Get rid of the mildew

One of the best methods for the prevention and control of mildew!

  • Effective and reliable
  • Optimum distribution of the sulphur
  • Low energy consumption
  • Long lifetime

To deal with mildew effectively, just the right amount of evaporated sulphur and a good distribution of the vapours are necessary. Nivola has specialised in fighting mildew throughout the world for more than 60 years.


Electrical power: 100 W
Mains voltage: 230 V of 110 V
Element: ceramic with E-27 fitting
Casing: Aluminium
Casing bracket: adjustable in height
Connecting cable 230 V: 1.75 m, 3 m or 5 m with moulded-on Euro plug. Wieland plug on demand.
Connecting cable 110 V: 1.75 k with moulded-on North-American plug

Available separately

Element 100 W for 230 V mains voltage 100 W for 110 V mains voltage
Nivola cap: reduces sulphur deposits on screens or glass over the sulphur evaporator.
Pendant: raises the tilting point of the sulphur evaporator and contributes greatly to the stability.
Receptacle: In the event of misalignment by hanging askew or caused by accidental bumps. This catcher will prevent any suplhur spills.
Sulphur tablets: 115 grams of AFEPASA sulphur in easy and safe to use tablet form.

Safety and prevention

Advances in knowledge and increasing regulations have encouraged Nivola to make innovative modifications to the Nivola Sulphur Evaporator. The new shape of the bin means that if the devise is used incorrectly (hung badly, overfilled), it is impossible for the sulphur to come into direct contact with the heating element. Safety above all!


The new model of bin has a broader overhanging rim that drops easily over the internal container. All Nivola sulphur evaporators are supplied with the new model of bin. The new bins also fit the sulphur evaporators previously supplied.


The cover protects against encroaching pollution and reduces sulphur deposit on screen or glass.


The pendant raises the tilting point of the sulphur evaporator. This contributes greatly to the stability. A valuable preventive resource!


In the event of misalignment, the evaporator hanging askew or accidental bumps, the Receptacle catches any sulphur that may originate from the underside of the evaporator. A valuable preventative safety tool. Eager to know what the Nivola Sulphur Evaporator can do for your company, contact us for an appointment!


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